Cocktail Party

I love entertaining. I always have and I’m pretty sure I always will (I get it from my mom). There were times I wanted to become an event planner, but then decided against it for whatever the reason. I love every aspect of hosting a party. At the beginning of the planning stage, I make my lists. My lists consist of the fundamentals: invitees, color scheme, if there is going to be a theme, food I’ll serve, what I’ll serve the food in, and so on and so forth. I then venture out into the cabinets of my kitchen to see what I have and what I’ll need to purchase. Fast forward to the day of the party (my favorite part). I plan out my ‘day of’ in a way that will still allow for me to have just enough time to sit and ‘relax’ in between cleaning, setting up, last minute finishing touches, and, of course, getting ready. This past Saturday night we hosted a cocktail party in our apartment. Now that we have a coffee table, I’m ready to get back into my entertaining ways(!!). It was a fairly small gathering of 15 people, and everyone seemed to have a great time at the first official party in our apartment.

coffee table set up

main table set up

mac n’ cheese appetizers

bits of the main food table (BBQ chicken bites, charcuterie board, and flowers)

ready for the party

the other half of our bar set up (sinks work as amazing drink coolers)

some of the men mingling

some more friends mingling

taking a seat on the couch

*All food items and flowers from Rice Epicurean Markets

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  1. CB wrote:

    Wow. Amazing.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  2. myra wrote:

    Looks awesome

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  3. ashley wrote:

    I love entertaining too! Looks like such a lovely party!!

    xo Ashley

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank you thank you! xo, Julie

      Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  4. Alyssa wrote:

    It looks like you set up such an amazing party! Those mac and cheese aps look so yummy, and using the bar sink as a cooler for drinks is genius. Congrats on your first apartment party!

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank you so much! xo, Julie

      Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  5. Abby Silverman wrote:

    This looks amazing Julie!!!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  6. This looks AMAZING! Good job Julie!

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  7. LesliMarie wrote:

    You just made me want to have a party:) Good thing the holidays are coming.

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply
  8. deanna wrote:

    What a spread! Your apartment looks fabulous and the food looks delicious. I think I need a snack…Bye for now, Deanna

    Posted 9.24.12 Reply