5 Things You Can Do In Under 5 Minutes That Will Dramatically Shift Your Day

You know those days where you wake up on the right side of the bed, feeling great, and ready to kick ass and take on the day? The best, right? 

But sometimes you can start off by having the best morning and at some point during the day there’s a shift. Bummer. 

There may or may not be a specific reason for the shift, but all you know is there is one, and your amazing morning basically just got shot to shit.

The good news is all moments are just that…a temporary moment. And the even better news is that you can do a few simple things that take no time at all to help dramatically shift your day back to the beauty that it was earlier in the morning. 

5 Things You Can Do In Under 5 Minutes That Will Dramatically Shift Your Day

  1. Take several deep breaths. Not just one. Not just two. Not just three. Several as in several. And make them deep. Deep breathing doesn’t just happen, and it doesn’t do much if you’re doing the deep breathing while doing something else. Stop what you’re doing, focus, and breathe. Trust me, I was one of those people who thought deep breathing couldn’t possibly make a difference. Until I actually did it. It works wonders.
  2. Use social media and the Internet for smiles and laughs. This isn’t the time to scroll through your feeds aimlessly. This is the time to go to the websites, pages, and feeds that bring you joy, lift you higher, and make you smile and/or laugh. Whether it’s @girlwithnojob for the laughs, @carriec for the color,  or @loveabrahamhicks for the inspiration, seek out the people and accounts who bring positivity to your day. 
  3. Blast the radio and belt it out. I don’t know about you, but ever since I saw ‘A Star is Born’ the other day, I can’t stop thinking about it and imagining me as Ally (Lady Gaga’s character) rocking it out on stage. No? Just me? Maybe. I don’t even have a good voice in the least, but I love pretending I do. Turn on some feel good music, let it transport you, and belt it out.
  4. Make a gratitude list. This one is powerful, ladies and gents. When you’re feeling low and out of sorts, one of the best things you can do is remember all the things you have to be grateful for. But don’t just think about them – write them down. There’s something about putting pen to paper (or simply typing it in your notes app on your phone) and feeling the gratefulness come over you as you really think about each one.
  5. Feel whatever it is you’re feeling. Sounds simple, huh? But it’s another biggie. Sometimes the best thing you can do is feel whatever it is you’re feeling, accept it, let it move through you, and then continue on with your day. There’s something empowering about acceptance followed by feeling. And the feeling might be an icky one – I get it – but I promise you’ll get through it. And you’ll feel that much better on the other side. Even if it’s something small and seemingly insignificant that happened with a co worker, let’s say; just take a couple minutes to process it, think about it, and then push it aside and out of your mind. Don’t ignore it. Remember that feelings aren’t permanent. 

Bottom line, folks, is your day will get better. And if it doesn’t – the next day will or the one after that. Whatever you do, don’t play the ‘woe is me’ game because nothing good ever comes of that. I’m a firm believer in the idea that you manifest what you think about. So the more you dwell on the negative, the more negative shit will appear in your life!

Keep your head up, take a breather, laugh it out (cry it out if you need to even!), and turn your day around. You got this.

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  1. Val wrote:

    I agree with all 5 of these. We often need the reminder. Thanks for sharing and being inspirational!

    Posted 11.29.18 Reply
    • Ah thanks so much, Val! So happy to hear that!! xo Julie

      Posted 11.29.18 Reply