There are times to be cautious in life and there are times not to be. And while I don’t necessarily believe in acting before thinking, I do believe sometimes you just have to go for it, no matter how scared you might be or how NOT ready you feel.
What will others think?
Part of the fear might be that you don’t know how others will react or you’re afraid not everyone will agree with the choice you’ve decided to make. And that can certainly be tough. We want to be accepted in this world. And maybe the decision you’re considering making might cause people to “talk.”
Guess what? That’s perfectly ok. People will always talk. In life, you’re not going to have the support of everyone you want it from at all times. And that’s ok. While it might be hard at first to accept that not everyone agrees with what you’re doing, if it feels right to you deep in your bones, then there’s no one else you have to answer to or justify your choice to.
How will it turn out?
Another reason you might be questioning taking that leap or doing that thing you’ve always wanted to do is because you don’t know how it’ll turn out. The unknown can be scary, but the thing is, there will never be a crystal ball that is going to tell you what will happen if you do x, y, or z. The only moment you have control over is the one you’re in right now, this very second. Beyond that, it’s all unknown. But that’s what makes this life exciting.
You aren’t going to know the outcome of your decision before you make it. You can prepare, you can plan for it, but you won’t know anything else until you choose to move forward.
No more excuses
Whether it’s quitting your job to pursue your passion or telling that person how you feel or taking that trip you’ve always wanted to take, there might never be a ‘right’ time. You will always be able to think of hundreds of excuses as to why it’s not a ‘good idea.’ And there will always be some reason or another to not do it. However, there will also always be so many reasons as to why you SHOULD do it. And whether or not making that choice will be the best thing that ever happened to you or not, you had the courage to do it, and you followed your heart, and that is what it’s all about.
Take that leap. Make that jump. Don’t look back. No more waiting.
Background photo by Nina Uhlikova via Pexels