Jul's Gems: St. Thomas Edition

It’s been a very relaxing week away. I’ve had to do some work here and there, but overall, I’m thoroughly enjoying the sun and sand. I saw what I believe is the most beautiful beach, have had some delicious meals, lots of swimming in the ocean and pool, and ventured all around St. John yesterday. Let’s just say it will be very difficult getting me back on that plane on Friday to go back to reality. Sometimes it’s just nice to get away. And, with that, a few favorites from the trip, thus far.

pulled pork sandwich on St. John

looking out over Trunk Bay

our mode of transportation on St. John

illuminated menu at dinner

beautiful sushi presentation

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  1. deanna seltzer wrote:

    WOW! Looks like a great place: fabulous stretch of beach, want to take a bite out of that pulled pork sandwich and prize-winning sushi platter. Too bad you couldn’t stay longer. Look forward to your next from p to p….D

    Posted 6.24.12 Reply