Fresh Tomato Tart with Basil-Garlic Crust

As soon as I saw the ingredients in this Fresh Tomato Tart with Basil-Garlic Crust recipe I found, I didn’t care what went into making it; I knew I wanted it for dinner last night. Lucky for me, it didn’t end up being too difficult. I added turkey meat so it would be a bit more filling. It turned out delicious, but next time I make it (and, oh yes, there will absolutely be a next time) I am going to cook it for longer to make the crust a bit crispier. I absolutely love fresh basil, mozzarella, tomatoes, garlic, and parmesan cheese, and together it was the perfect combination.



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  1. Ashley wrote:

    You are making me so hungry! That looks amazing!



    Southern (California) Belle

    Posted 8.9.12 Reply
  2. LesliMarie wrote:

    Basil and Tomato…my 2 favorite things. Looks delish.

    Posted 8.9.12 Reply
  3. Alyssa wrote:

    This literally combines every single one of my favorite flavor combinations together–so yum!

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 8.9.12 Reply
  4. yum, now i want food
    Xo Megan

    Posted 8.10.12 Reply
  5. Kristina wrote:

    Oh my goodness I want/need that. Like, right now.

    Posted 8.10.12 Reply
  6. Miranda wrote:

    I am drooling… Yummmmy.


    Posted 8.10.12 Reply
  7. This looks so insanely delicious! I am going to have to attempt this recipe…very risky for me!

    Posted 9.7.12 Reply