organized chaos

Sometimes I feel life can be best described as organized chaos. From deadlines, appointments, meetings, trips, events, and everything in between, the days fly by (what feels like) quicker than the blink of an eye. Last night I decided to shut off the computer, silence the phone, pause all my work, and get in bed (relatively) early. I think more often than not we are all going at such fast speeds that we forget to just relax and breathe. I’m the first to shamefully admit that the majority of the time I get in bed, I’m still answering emails, scrolling my Instagram feed, checking out tweets, playing on Pinterest, and doing anything but getting in the sleep mindset. It can really be nice to disconnect, even if just for a few hours.

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  1. Megan wrote:

    Pretty! Love the colors.

    Posted 8.28.12 Reply
  2. auntie susie wrote:

    Love it Jujubee…….so true!!!!

    Posted 8.28.12 Reply
  3. Alyssa wrote:

    I completely agree, Julie! Most of the time, even when by some miracle I’m in bed before 11pm, I have my phone in my hands, doing “one last check” of facebook, twitter, e-mail and instagram. I’ve been making more of an effort lately to turn off my phone by 8:30pm every night and give myself a few hours unplugged. It’s mentally cleansing!
    The Glossy Life

    Posted 8.28.12 Reply