a change of scenery

Coffee Shop 1

I’ve been working from home for almost two years now. I, of course, leave often for meetings, appointments, or lunches, but my office is at my home. In New York City, I worked from my kitchen/dining room table. In Houston, I work from my nook. One day soon I’d really like to graduate to an entire room in my house as an office/craft room (as I’ve mentioned plenty of times before). All this time I’ve never really felt a lack of motivation or uninspired. Lately, I’ve starting feeling a bit uninspired. I realized I needed a change. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw my frantic tweets about how there seems to be nowhere in Houston with wifi. However, over the past week I’ve found (with the help of friends and Matthew) some great coffee shops that I’m loving doing my work at. I set up shop in a cozy little spot, and I get to work. I can’t tell you how much that change helped me. I automatically felt newly inspired. All it took was a little change of scenery.

Coffee Shop 2

Coffee Shop 3

Coffee Shop 4

Coffee Shop 5

*This is not a coffee shop I’ve been to in Houston; all images are found here 1/2/3/4/5

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  1. i love working in coffee shops!! and people watching there too haha!!

    Sandy a la Mode

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  2. Elise wrote:

    I can’t even tell you how much I relate to this – much of it is the fact that working somewhere in public doesn’t allow me to wear sweatpants, hah! Have you tried co-working spaces? I’ve heard those can be cool, but I haven’t tried any yet.

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Ooh never tried co-working spaces. I may have to research!! Glad you can relate to this! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  3. Alyssa wrote:

    I do my best work at coffee shops (at least, I think I do!). There’s something about the change of scenery and the vibe that’s just really creative and renewing. I had a favorite when I was in college, but I haven’t found one yet in NYC. I’m still on the hunt, so suggestions are welcome!

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Yes, I completely agree with you!! There was one I loved in NY when I lived there – I think it’s called Java Girl on 66th and 2nd…it was right near where I lived, and it was adorable!! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  4. Emily wrote:

    So cute! I love finding little work spaces like this. Coffee is a must for me when working so stores like this are perfect!
    Isn’t That Charming.

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  5. Olivia wrote:

    I totally agree with you! And this coffee shop is super cute!

    xo Olivia
    This Looks Good On You

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  6. MFJ wrote:

    That’s so true! That cup of latte looks so good.

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  7. Jen wrote:

    I can’t believe you had a hard time finding WIFI in houston coffee shops 🙂 so the norm now huh. Love a good cup of coffee, the smell of it and working at a cozy shop.

    Red Soles and Red Wine

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      I know! I was literally driving around like a crazy person. I think it’s because I was going to places that were more of restaurants and they would not allow people on their wifi?! So strange! Finally found some good ones, though! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  8. Amy wrote:

    I go down to Houston every year (I have family there) and I love finding new coffee shops when I go. Houston has so much! I wish I lived there.

    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Awww! Love it! Let me know next time you’re here! We can go get coffee! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  9. Rebecca wrote:

    A coffee shop is the perfect place to get some work done! Love the picture with the hanging coffee pots! Very cool!


    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  10. All of those coffee shops look adorable! I can totally understand how you’re feeling a little uninspired these days, I think spring needs to hurry up and arrive!

    xo jen

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  11. Corbynn wrote:

    Cute pictures!


    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  12. Kristina wrote:

    If I worked from home every day I would definitely have to get out and about now and then. I’m working on setting up a home office/craft room right now, I’m super excited about it.


    Kristina does the Internets

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Ah lucky you! Post pics once it’s all set up! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  13. Rachel wrote:

    Working from home is THE BEST. I did it for a month last summer and loved it. May I ask what you do for a living (are you a writer?!) Anyway, there aren’t many hip coffee shops close to my house, so I stuck to my old bedroom desk.

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Sure! Yes, freelance writer (and, as of recently, a producer of greeting cards…FPTP greeting cards coming soon)! Aw, yeah I hear ya – I worked from a kitchen table in NYC (so your bedroom desk is much better haha)! xo, Julie

      Posted 2.6.13 Reply
      • Rachel wrote:

        Awesome! I’m a copytwriter for my 9-5 and do freelance writing on the side. Awesome!

        Posted 2.6.13 Reply
        • Julie wrote:

          That’s great!! Awesome! xo, Julie

          Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  14. alison wrote:

    I love switching things up, so true you get more inspired in different places!

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  15. Anngelik wrote:

    Cute place! I like finding cool places like these!


    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  16. Looks like such a cute place!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  17. ashley wrote:

    So jealous that you work from home!

    xo Ashley

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  18. Hi! Just found your blog! Love it! And love the design and colors of this place. Great find <3. Would be honored if you stopped by my blog sometimes…i love new followers!

    The Rancher’s Daughter

    Posted 2.6.13 Reply
  19. Maya wrote:

    I am in love with this gorgeous coffee shop – seriously, I want to retire now and open one of these places in the Midwest! Thanks for sharing the photos – what a perfect place to sit and relax 🙂


    Posted 2.7.13 Reply
  20. That place is perfect or working! I wish I could work there too!

    Posted 2.7.13 Reply
  21. Vanessa wrote:

    I’m in a similar situation in that I study from home now! It can be comfy but it can also be a little boring since I’m always at home! Coffee shops are a great place to change up the mood once in a while!


    Posted 2.7.13 Reply
  22. Jenn wrote:

    I wish I had found places like that while I was in Houston! It looks like such a cool place!
    With Luck

    Posted 2.7.13 Reply
  23. Rita wrote:

    Hi darlin! Thank you so much for visiting my blog :)! Would you like to follow each other? Just leave me a comment on my blog and let me know! Thanks:)!

    Posted 2.7.13 Reply