4th of July


I can’t believe tomorrow is already the 4th of July! Whether your day will include a BBQ, going to the beach, a party, watching fireworks, or just laying on the couch, I hope you enjoy the day. I’ll be boating with family in the morning and having a BBQ with family and friends in the afternoon. I can’t wait! Have a safe and happy holiday! xo, Julie

Images: 1/2/3/4/5/6

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  1. Lauren wrote:

    Hope you enjoy your day on the water! Happy 4th!

    Fizz and Frosting

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  2. im ready for fireworks! Xo, Megan, http://www.TfDiaries.com

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  3. Kristina wrote:

    Have a great holiday! Boating & BBQ sounds perfect 😉

    Kristina does the Internets

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  4. Jen wrote:

    I hope you have a wonderful time Julie! Can’t wait to see photos on instagram!

    xo jen

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  5. Reina wrote:

    Happy 4th of July! Great time for family and friends :)!!!!

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  6. Sounds like a blast! We are going totally impromptu with our holiday this year– no plans!


    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  7. Rachel wrote:

    Hope you have an amazing 4th of July!

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  8. MFJ wrote:

    Nice, boating is so much fun. Enjoy! I’m so ready. This week has been so crazy.

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  9. Yay! Enjoy the 4th! It’s my boyfriend and my 3 year anniversary so we’ll be celebrating with dinner and fireworks tomorrow night and hosting an annual friends BBQ tonight at our place! I can’t wait for eveything!

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  10. deanna wrote:

    Happy 4th. We’ll be off to a BarBQ and fireworks in Evanston.

    Posted 7.3.13 Reply
  11. Happy 4th!!
    xx lexi @ glitter, inc.

    Posted 7.4.13 Reply
  12. elle sees wrote:

    my 4th was so lame! i was alone. 🙁 but i loved seeing the pics on IG!

    Posted 7.5.13 Reply
  13. how was your 4th julie?
    Xo, Megan, http://www.TfDiaries.com

    Posted 7.5.13 Reply