Thoughts from my desk: September 11th

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It’s so interesting how something that happened 12 years ago still feels like it happened yesterday, and you remember exactly where you were on that day. On September 11th, 2001, I was in my sophomore year of high school, 3rd period to be exact. An announcement came on the loud speaker, and next thing I knew my mom was at school to pick me up. We were living in Cleveland at the time, but my dad was in NY on business. Luckily, soon after the attacks, he rented a car, got out of the city, and arrived back home many hours later. I remember getting very emotional right when he walked in that door. It was a surreal moment, after seeing what was going on in NY throughout the day.

No matter where I am, even fifty years down the road, I’ll always remember where I was on the day things changed for this country forever. To those who were affected somehow someway on 9/11 all those years ago, I dedicate this post to you. xo, Julie


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  1. Reina wrote:

    I agree. We will always remember!!!!!!

    Posted 9.11.13 Reply
  2. deanna seltzer wrote:

    Glued to the TV for days! What a monumental tragedy!

    Posted 9.11.13 Reply