Series Art

Things are moving along over here with the unpack and organize process, and now we get to really start decorating (the best part!). I know art takes a long time, but we’ve already talked about a few things we want. There is a large space in our loft under where my office is that would be perfect for a series of art. Ideally, 5-7 pieces that coordinate together is what we’re going for. Currently, I’m searching far and wide for inspiration. Below are my latest finds.

Series Art 1

Series Art 2

Series Art 3

Series Art 4

Series Art 5

Series Art 6

Series Art 7

All images found on my for the home Pinterest board.

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  1. Alyssa wrote:

    I have a lot of prints in my apartment, but not much in the way of a real piece of “art.” I’d love to invest in one really amazing piece someday!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  2. amy wrote:

    wow, such great bold inspiration! i love it!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  3. miranda wrote:

    Love this home inspo!
    The last pic is just my style 😉


    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  4. Reina wrote:

    The home on picture 6 is outstanding!!!! The art over every wall is so perfect!!!!!!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  5. Rachel wrote:

    Love these pieces! This is exactly the kind of art work I want to hang up at my new place!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  6. Love these, great inspirations!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  7. Rachel wrote:

    These are gorgeous! I’m waiting until I have a little more money before I splurge on one big real piece of “art”, but i can’t wait until that day!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  8. Gwen wrote:

    love it…great inspiration for my house!

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  9. Alanna wrote:

    How exciting! I love the ones in the 5th picture down…super chic.

    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  10. Ashley wrote:

    You have a killer eye- I’m sure the space is going to look incredible when you’re done! 🙂


    Posted 9.16.13 Reply
  11. Lovely images!

    Posted 9.18.13 Reply
  12. Jen wrote:

    I love art but it took me a little while to find my style and what works with my design aesthetic. I love the art work in the first photo!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

    Posted 9.18.13 Reply
  13. OH #1 all the WAY. God that is beautiful and totally what I’m looking for above our bed.

    Posted 9.19.13 Reply
  14. MFJ wrote:

    I am in love with the second picture. Can’t wait to see your office area 🙂

    Posted 9.24.13 Reply