

Apparently I was on a little blogging hiatus. If you follow me on social media, you have seen the mess that is currently our loft. Very long story cut quite short – our refrigerator had a leak (did you know they could leak?! well, newsflash, apparently they can!), and this leak caused our wood floors to be completely ruined, which caused us to have to redo our entire downstairs of our loft, which caused us to move out temporarily. We were living in a hotel for 10 days, and now we’re in a temporary apartment for 4-6 weeks. Happy times!

Beyond the stupid refrigerator leak, work has been very busy, including a work trip to Chicago for Be The Light and various deadlines for both BTL and My Red Glasses. I had a dress fitting this week, and I was very happy with it! Can’t believe the wedding is in less than 2 months. Invites have gone out, and now it feels SO real. I’ve been kicking butt with my new best friend Jason (aka my trainer). He works me hard but I’m loving getting back into the gym (I was also on a gym hiatus for quite a long time…oops).

Otherwise, no complaints, but I wanted to give a little backstory as to why I’ve gone missing. New posts coming your way any day now. Until then, have a wonderful weekend and we’ll chat soon! xo, Julie

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