Thoughts From My Desk: FOMO


For those of you that don’t know (although, I’m sure most of you do know), FOMO has become quite the ‘buzz word’ these days, which means ‘fear of missing out.’ Alyssa recently wrote a great post on the concept (that and JOMO – which is the ‘joy of missing out’) and I’ve had conversations with some of my friends recently about it, as well. I’ll be honest, I used to have major FOMO. I’m not sure why or what it stemmed from, but I remember vividly when I moved to Houston from New York a few years ago, I would see pictures of my best friends together out and having the best time, without me. It’s not that I didn’t want them going out without me, and it’s not that I didn’t want them having fun without me. It’s just I wanted to be there!!

As I’ve gotten older and I like to think wiser, I feel totally different about this whole FOMO thing. While there may still be moments where I feel it since I have friends in many different cities that I’m not with all the time, the moments are fleeting. The feeling that overcomes me is not so much ‘ugh I wish I was there, damn it’ but it’s more like ‘aw, so and so looks like they’re so happy and having fun, that’s awesome.’

I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve become more of a homebody the past many months and I find pure joy in sitting on my couch hanging out with my hubby and a large bottle of vino. Lame? Maybe. But it makes me happy. And on this crazy ride we call life you need to find what makes you happy and not worry about anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I still go out with friends a lot, and I LOVE doing so, but when I opt for staying in, I don’t really have FOMO anymore.

If you suffer from ‘FOMO’ take a second to think what is the worst thing that could happen if you didn’t go to that party or that dinner? Exactly. Nothing bad would happen. Your friends won’t forget about you. Nothing will change with your friendships. That’s why you need to do what you want to do and what will ultimately make you happiest. Agree? Disagree? Let’s chat about it below in the comments.


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  1. Monica wrote:

    Totally agree! I am a recovery FOMO addict as well, but now guess my priorities changed and I am totally with you a night at home with the hubbs and the puppies beats any other thing going on!

    Posted 8.13.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      YES, so glad we’re on the same page about this, Monica!! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.13.14 Reply
  2. sara wrote:

    I love this thought! Isn’t it wonderful how age brings perspective on things like FOMO? Quality time and genuine moments outweigh all of the flash and glamour 🙂

    Posted 8.13.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      YES, age really does bring a whole new perspective! Totally agree with you, Sara! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.13.14 Reply
  3. 100% agree with you on this one. As we get older (and wiser, duh) it’s harder and harder to balance it all. And with the balance comes some sacrifice and in turn, lots of reward. We used to have major FOMO but what we gain from not going out with friends or sitting on the couch with a glass of vino is exactly what we need — some R&R, downtime, QT with our hubby and learning what really matters. It’s all about perspective, for sure. Great post, lovie!

    Posted 8.13.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Hi ladies! Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment. I totally totally agree with you!! It’s all about perspective for sure! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.13.14 Reply