Inspiring and Successful Women: Esther Freedman

I am so excited for today! And that is because I’m bringing you the first installment of my ‘Inspiring and Successful Women’ series. I’ve chosen 5 women who are successful, hard working, passionate, and inspiring. From a chef and restaurant owner to clothing designers to an event planner and an executive editor, I tried to cover all different industries and fields. I hope you enjoy reading my interviews with these fabulous women throughout the week, and with that, I bring you Esther Freedman, Founder of the adorable childrens’ clothing line cuteheads.

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Esther Freedman with daughter Naomi

Did you always know you wanted to start your own childrens clothing line? I didn’t. I actually had the idea for the brand before I knew what it would be. The name and the ideas that immediately popped into my head were what drove the concept.

How would you describe cuteheads? I would describe it as fun, cool, casual and whimsical. We try to bring in modern, grown-up trends but still keep it youthful. Not too cutesy, but not too mature.


cuteheads Picture Dress

Before you started cuteheads, what did you do? I worked for 5 years in the marketing department at I mostly worked on PR and social media during my time there, which definitely helped me at cuteheads.

What is your typical day like? On a day where I have help, I get up, drink as much coffee as possible, take care of my daughter until help arrives, then try to hit the gym or a spin class. After that, shower, and work as much as possible. My daughter goes to bed at 7, which gives my husband and I a chance to eat dinner together and catch up on the day.


cuteheads Pinafore Romper

What is the most challenging thing about your job? The most challenging thing is definitely trying to do it all. I am the marketing, sales, and cleaning lady for this business. If I didn’t need sleep, I could find things to do to fill all 24 hours of the day. The list of things I WANT to do with cuteheads is 10 pages long.

What is the most rewarding thing about your job? I love seeing happy kids wearing their cuteheads clothing, and I love hearing from moms that their kids are excited to get dressed in the morning when they put on something I’ve made. Seeing the pictures and hearing the stories always gives me a boost.


cuteheads Heart Patch Leggings

What is your advice for someone who wants to start their own company? My best advice is to talk to as many people as possible Find out what they did to make it work and find out what mistakes they made so you don’t make them. Make sure you have 1) the time, 2) the money, and 3) the passion to stick it out for the long haul, because it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

You’re not only a wife and the founder of an adorable childrens clothing line, but also a mom to sweet Naomi… how do you manage your time? One of the most important tools you need in your arsenal when you run a business – especially from home, where there may be cute babies crawling around – is discipline. You have to be able to compartmentalize and switch from mom brain to work brain quickly, and even I still struggle with that. When I have help, I try to get as much work done as I can. I stick myself in my office and don’t move until as much as I can do is done. Truthfully, it’s very challenging, but like anything, practice makes it easier over time.


cuteheads Bandana Bibs

Three favorite people to follow on Twitter? I have many! Three favorites off the top of my head are STFUParents (hilarious), Glitter Guide (pure fun and lots of glitter!) and Sprinkle Bakes (my all-time favorite baking blog, she’s amazing)

The best advice you’ve ever received (and who did the advice come from)? The best advice I’ve ever heard – and I actually first read it on IFB – is “Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.” It’s so easy to get frustrated and give up when you feel like everyone around you is living out their dreams in some glamorous way and you’re struggling. The truth is that everyone’s struggling; they just don’t show you that. A big gift you can give yourself is to stop measuring your success by and against other people’s.

Thank you Esther!

Make sure to check out cuteheads for the littles in your life. 


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