Thoughts From My Desk: Back to the Grind


I have a feeling we all had a bit of a struggle waking up this morning. I didn’t take the last 2 weeks completely off from work, but it was certainly MUCH quieter and definitely a nice little break. Matthew and I started (and finished) season 1 of ‘The Affair.’

I need to digress from this blog post a minute to talk about this…when we first started watching it, I couldn’t tell if I was going to like it. It’s a bit ‘odd,’ but as we continued to watch, I couldn’t stop, and I was dying to know the ending. However, did anyone else think all they did in the show was have sex?! Like, literally, every 2 seconds someone was sleeping with someone else. Needless to say, great show! I highly recommend (not for the kiddies, though!)

ANYWAY, aside from binge watching ‘The Affair,’ I also watched tons of movies on Netflix (Safe Haven, Homefront, Finding Normal, etc etc), cleaned the loft, organized drawers and closets, hung out with friends, went to the gym, we had a NYE party, drank lots, and ate even more. All in all, a superb couple weeks! How about you? Tell me what you did in the comments below because I’d LOVE to hear!

It can be tough to get back to the grind after a week or two of relaxation and a more ‘calm’ schedule. I will say I was not dreading today. I was actually looking forward to it. That’s what a little ‘break’ can do for you. I feel rejuvenated and inspired and overall excited to tackle 2015. If you’re not feeling as ‘happy’ as I just described, don’t worry. Ease back into the grind however you might need – 5 cups of coffee…totally ok.

Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you! I hope 2015 brings you exactly what you want and need. I hope it’s filled with happiness and laughter. Thank you for reading and coming along on this little FPTP journey with me. It means so much to me. xo, Julie


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  1. Carrie wrote:

    Happy New Year, girly! 🙂

    Posted 1.5.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thanks, Carrie!! Same to you xo

      Posted 1.7.15 Reply
  2. Jeff wrote:

    Totally agree about The Affair: great show, lots of sex!
    Your blog is fantastic and your optimism is contagious! Keep up the excellent work and have a very happy 2015 yourself!

    Posted 1.7.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Haha you’re the BEST, Jeff!!!! Thank you!! xo

      Posted 1.7.15 Reply