1, 2, 3 Bend…1, 2, 3 Stretch


Does anyone else know what that post title is referring to?! Saved by the Bell, circa Jessie’s caffeine pill addiction meltdown, duh!

So, I had a discovery not so long ago and I thought I’d be so kind as to share it with you #yourewelcome. As you know, I belong to Fit (and I loooooove it), BUT sometimes you just can’t make a class in time, don’t feel like doing the elliptical, or it’s just too damn cold outside to leave your home. When these things happen, Fitness Blender is my new bestie. Yep, that’s right! Fitness Blender is a website FULL of FREE (yes, FREE) workout videos that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Many don’t even require equipment! They don’t play music in the background of their videos, so pump up the volume on your favorite Pandora station and get jiggy with it. Super fun!

P.S. This post is NOT sponsored by Fitness Blender; I just really love their videos!!


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