Thoughts From My Desk: Loving Yourself


As I’ve gotten older (I’m about to enter the last year of my 20’s, people!!) and wiser (or so I like to think), I’ve learned to love myself more and more. Before you start thinking Ok, Julie, you are seriously arrogant for even saying that, let me explain. When I say I ‘love myself’ I, by no means, mean it in the narcissistic sense. When I say ‘I love myself’ I mean that I’ve gotten to know myself quite well, I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the past couple years, and I’ve accepted my weaknesses (and always try to work on them, when possible) and I appreciate and am grateful for my strengths. I have learned who I am, what I need, what’s important to me, what matters, and I am continuously working on learning more and more about myself and really truly (wait for it, about to be cheesy) finding myself in this crazy world we all live in.

We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all screwed up at one point or another in our lives. If you haven’t, you deserve a massive (warm chocolate chip) cookie. We’ve all been through low points and high points and have likely been angry at ourself or frustrated with our actions at one point or another. What’s important is to move past all of that and to really try to love yourself, from the inside out. None of us are perfect (except Quinn from Homeland), but those imperfections within each of us are what make you unique and (hold up, about to be cheesy again) special.

I can be stubborn. I can be opinionated. Flying isn’t my favorite activity, and I’ve disappointed people because of it. I have flaws. I’m human. However, I’m also caring, empathetic, and loyal. I know who I am, and I’m pretty damn proud of the woman I’ve become.

If you don’t truly and whole heartedly love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to do so? Remind yourself daily that you’re amazing. Even if you don’t really think you are, after enough times of saying it to yourself, you’ll start to believe it. Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you. Because…YOU ARE AMAZING. You really are.



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  1. Monica wrote:

    You are amazing! I can testified on that lol

    Posted 1.12.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Awww Monica, YOU are amazing!!!! XO

      Posted 1.13.15 Reply
  2. Love this! And yes, so so true. ICYMI, we shared a similar post last week:


    Posted 1.13.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw thank you!! And ooh I’ll definitely check it out!! I’ve been out of town and a bit behind on my blog reading 😉 xo

      Posted 1.13.15 Reply