Thoughts From My Desk: Family


My grandmas and me on the day of my high school graduation

Yesterday I attended one of my best friend’s grandpa’s funeral. Funerals are never easy. And even though it was such a beautiful service, when you think why you’re there, it’s heart wrenching. However, something that really got me was seeing the family all sitting in the middle of the outdoor chapel, and seeing their reactions to each of the eulogies. Even on such a hard day, they smiled. They laughed. They made jokes. And they loved. There was so much love.

Family is such an important part of life, and sometimes, we can lose sight of that. If you’re lucky enough to have your entire family living in one city, it might not be as tough. However, for those of us (me!) who have barely any family members in the city in which they live, it can be difficult. My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew live in Maryland. Both my grandmas, one of my aunts, and a cousin live in Florida. One of my uncles and aunts, and a couple cousins live in New York/New Jersey. An aunt, uncle, and cousins live in New Hampshire. Another aunt and uncle live in California. And another aunt and uncle live in Chicago. And so on and so on. I’m not telling you this to feel sorry for me. I don’t feel sorry for me. Yes, it would be amazing if we all lived in the same state, BUT we don’t. And we likely never will.

I’m telling you this because more lately than ever, as we are all getting older (especially my grandmas), I want to be in touch with them more than ever. I want to visit them and get to know them better and better and better. I want to hear more and more stories of their childhood and their lives prior to me being in it.

Just the other day, my mom and I were talking about planning a family reunion. I can’t tell you the last time we did that. I was probably 6 or 7. How nice would it be to have a reunion every year? Maybe not feasible, but imagine! Family is so incredibly important. There is something about family in that even if you don’t see them or talk to them for a long time, the second you’re in the same room, you feel a sense of comfort and so. much. love.

No family is perfect. Issues arise. Arguments take place. You might not see each other for ages. In the end, though, family is family…the love will ALWAYS be there, no matter what. Don’t ever forget that.

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  1. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    I am privileged and proud to be a part of your wonderful family. Well said! When and where is the reunion?! Count us in!
    Aunt Myra

    Posted 4.13.15 Reply