Thoughts From My Desk: Launch Party and Gratitude

LJ Creative House Launch Party

Last Tuesday I had my LJ Creative House launch party, which was coupled with my FPTP relaunch party, at one of my favorite Houston boutiques, Cakewalk Style. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw I started getting all sappy in my post, but I truly was SO overwhelmed. The turnout was unlike anything I could have imagined. I did have a good amount of RSVPs, but so often with events like this, people will RSVP, but not all will necessarily come due to work conflicts and so on. That wasn’t the case this time. The store was packed, inside and out, and I couldn’t believe it. It was an incredible evening filled with shopping, snacks, drinks, cake pops (from my favorite…Sweet E’s), mingling, laughs, and good friends and family. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to announce my new company and the fresh new design of my blog.

I felt and still feel so incredibly grateful. Grateful to be able to start a company of my own. Grateful to be able to give my blog the facelift it needed. Grateful for my amazing friends and family who came out to support me. Grateful to Gina, Jen, and the entire team at Cakewalk for providing the most perfect backdrop for the party. Just grateful. Totally and utterly grateful.

As I’ve gotten older, gratitude is something that has meant more and more to me, and especially showing it. Not just feeling it, but showing it. It’s so important to thank those who are there for you, who help you, who are great friends, who listen, and who are simply good people. Whether you thank someone in person, on the phone, via text or email or snail mail, or show it in different ways, having gratitude is so extremely special and means so much, not just to the person you’re thanking, but it’ll make you feel good, too.

Thank those around you. Even if it’s just with a smile.


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  1. Monica wrote:

    You deserve it! You are such an amazing persons xx M

    Posted 4.27.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aww thank you, Monica!!! You’re the best! xo

      Posted 4.27.15 Reply