New Places to Shop for Home Decor

Home Decor Accessories

I would say my home decor taste, in terms of furniture and overall aesthetic, is modern eclectic. However, when it comes to knick-knacks and chachkies, I am open to any and all. Our loft has bookshelves full of items ranging from modern to eclectic to rustic to tribal to simple to elegant and everything in between. I love mixing and matching pieces that don’t initially seem like they would make sense together.

I have a few go to spots for said things, but lately I’ve been discovering places/websites I a) have never heard of or b) would have never thought to purchase home decor items at. Keep scrolling for some favorites from these home decor hidden gems.


I love Zara for clothing and accessories, but I will admit, up until very recently, I had no clue they even had a home department. And omg it’s kind of amazing (and the prices are even better than amazing!)


Coasters//Key Tray/Change Holder


Bathroom Accessories


Side Tables


Maybe I’ve been living under a rock (it’s likely!), but I had never heard of Patch NYC, but holy cuteness. This place carries some gorgeous things, and I’ve already got my eye on plenty. #donttellmyhusband


Small French Face Vases//Carrara Marble Candlesticks


I love Hobby Lobby, as previously mentioned, but I would never have ever thought to look for home type items here. The other day when I was browsing the aisles (one of my favorite pastimes), I stumbled upon fabulous home item after fabulous home item. Honestly, there were so many things I could have gotten (you saw one of my purchases here).


Glass Tangled Rope Ball//Multi Color Wire Basket Set


Large Distressed Iron Tray//Antique Grey Four Drawer Zinc Cabinet


I know, Etsy is a no brainer when it comes to looking for home items, but for some reason, I don’t look all too often on the site. Of course I have my own Etsy shop (#shamelessplug), and I have purchased things on the site before, but I don’t know why I don’t peruse more often. Such good things.


Gold  Dipped Milk Glass Vase Set (I know there are tons of DIYs for this sort of thing, but I could never get my DIY to look like this one!!)//Cement Diamonds

Feature image borrowed from The Design Files Open House

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  1. Monica wrote:

    Can you believe that I just found out about Zara home? Of course I love it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Posted 5.12.15 Reply