Thoughts From My Desk: Not Giving a F*ck


If you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, you likely saw me obsessing over an article my friend sent me yesterday. It is titled The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. I urge you to read it if you haven’t. I do warn you, though, the ‘f bomb’ is dropped A LOT. And I mean A LOT. If you get offended by those sorts of things, we can’t be friends. I kid I kid. But if you do get offended by the word ‘FUCK’ then don’t read the article.

My mind keeps going back to what I read in the article. It really resonated with me. When someone says they don’t give a shit (or ‘a fuck’ in Manson’s words), it can be taken negatively. But it shouldn’t be. While it may come across as apathy or having no feelings when your friend just doesn’t give a fuck about the fact that your other friend didn’t invite her to a dinner party at her house, it’s really just the simple fact that your friend has chosen where and when to ‘give a fuck’ and where and when to let things ruminate and where and when it’s just not worth it. And, ladies and gentlemen, 9 times out of 10, it’s just not worth your energy.

I don’t want to reiterate everything Manson wrote in his article, but it’s just been on my mind and I really enjoyed reading what he had to say. So, do yourself a favor and fucking* read it.

*OMG I’m SO not mean, I promise. I felt BAD even writing that, but I had to because it worked with this post. Love you!


image borrowed from

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  1. Monica wrote:

    I read it and it was so good and so true! Ps you are too cute 🙂

    Posted 7.7.15 Reply