Thoughts From My Desk: Rejection


Rejection is never easy, no matter what form of rejection it is. Whether it’s not getting the job you wanted or the person you’re swooning over not reciprocating the feelings or simply being told ‘no’ to whatever the question might be, it’s not something we, as humans, enjoy the feeling of. Unfortunately (fortunately?), rejection is inevitable, and sometimes it ends up being for the very best.

I was a year and a half out of college, and I was looking to move back to New York City from Boston. I was applying for fashion jobs in NYC left and right, and I was told ‘no’ a lot. I remember one job in particular I wanted SO badly. I really thought I had a good shot at it, I was confident in the interview, and I felt good when I left. Within the week following the interview, though, I got the call saying I did not get the position, and it went to someone better suited for the job. I was devastated. It was such a shitty feeling. However, as time went on, I got over it, and then I landed a job that was a perfect fit for me and was the best thing that could have happened to me. I didn’t even necessarily realize it at the time of being rejected from the job I really wanted, but in the end, I was so thankful it happened.

Another moment I remember like it was yesterday was after a break up I went through years back. While the break up was mutual at first, as time went on I wanted to be back with my ex. Well, he didn’t want that. For whatever his reasons might have been, the answer was ‘no.’ I was sad. I was miserable. We’ve all been there. It honestly SUCKS so much when someone doesn’t like you in the way you like them. It’s a blow to your ego. And at the moment of rejection you feel like it’ll never get better, that life is pretty much over, you’ll never meet another guy/girl, so on and so forth. Our minds play tricks on us, though. Because, in reality, it will get better. Life is not over. You will meet someone else.

As cliché as it is, time truly does heal everything. And that is something I know to be absolutely true.

Just give yourself time. Remind yourself things will get better. Tell yourself that the reason you were told ‘no’ is because something else is coming your way, something better suited for you. Wake up every morning, look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself these things. Just give yourself time.

The moral of today’s little post is that while, yes, any kind of rejection totally utterly SUCKS, it WILL all work out in the end, and the rejection is TRULY a blessing in disguise. Don’t forget that.


Read previous ‘Thoughts From My Desk’ posts HERE.

Image: Death to the Stock Photo


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