
One of the many things I’m most excited about for my move and the new apartment is the thought of entertaining as much as possible. I love being a host. Definitely one of my favorite pastimes. As I’ve been researching new ideas and recipes for the first ‘party’ at the new place, I’ve literally created a folder full of all these inspirations.

Starting with some appetizer ideas…

I’m a huge fan of Prosciutto, in general, and I think anything on a skewer is adorable and tastes delicious, so the minute I saw these I got really excited. 
found here

Who doesn’t love mac & cheese. And in a martini glass. Perfect way to serve it. 
found here

All my friends know that meatballs are my absolute favorite food. Nothing compares in my book. Topping them off with a touch of spaghetti..doesn’t get much better than that.
found here

A twist on absolutely delicious spring rolls, if I do say so myself.
previously mentioned here
Mini foods are so cute and just taste better for some reason. I love everything in this image, but the one I’m looking at to make next would have to be the grilled cheese shooters.
found here

To be continued (with drinks)…

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  1. Vonae Deyshawn wrote:

    Oh my goodness, this all looks so good! I love mac & cheese. What a fun way to serve it. My husband would absolutely love Prosciutto appetizer it looks yummy.

    Vonae Deyshawn

    Posted 4.12.12 Reply