bittersweet and brunch

Tomorrow is a bittersweet day for me. I have brunch with my entire group of friends from high school – all 12 of us. We have not all been together since probably our graduation day circa 2004. I can’t wait. I feel bad for the rest of the tables in the restaurant because it will be far from a quiet brunch.

And then tomorrow night is my going away party. I’m also so excited for that because who doesn’t love a party and especially with your closest friends. The bitter part of ‘bittersweet’ comes in because I have to say goodbye so soon. I’ve already said goodbye to a couple, a few more on Saturday night, and the rest Monday. Just crazy.

Back to one of the ‘sweet’ parts of all of this – brunching with friends. Brunch is my favorite meal and my favorite thing to do on the weekend. Brunch ensembles should be comfortable (but not frumpy), fashionable, and fun. You’re not going into the office – this is your time to dress as you wish. One of my favorite brands, Joie, has some fabulous weekend brunch options. Click below to shop the pieces.

(similar top shown here)

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