You know those times when you just feel ‘blah’? It’s clearly not a technical way of describing it, but it seems to be the best way. Recently I had that ‘blah’ feeling, and I realized I hadn’t had it in a while. Not to say every single day of my life is picture perfect (of course it’s not), but I hadn’t really felt the ‘blah’ feeling in a decent amount of time. I decided to come up with some things that are a tiny bit out of the ordinary for me, but that I feel should be added into my life in one way or another. Sometimes I feel that the best way to get out of those moods is to do something different, take a step away from your normal routine, and clear your head. Below is my list, which I would like to constantly add to. I hope you had a great weekend!
Even though I’m not the biggest tea drinker, I want to indulge in High Tea one afternoon.
With no destination in mind, I want to take a long drive and stumble upon somewhere I’ve never been.
When I was younger, I used to collect various items (porcelain dolls, pogs, decorative glass boxes, etc), and I think it would be neat to start a collection of some sort again, such as vintage stamps.
I think my family used to have more pottery pieces from me than they knew what to do with, but it’s definitely a favorite past time of mine, and I’d love to take a class to bring back those fun memories.
Breakfast in bed on a lazy weekend morning sounds ideal, followed by a day with no plans to get out of my pajamas.
Images: High Tea, A Long Drive, Pottery Class, Vintage Stamps, Breakfast in Bed
Everyone gets into a rut sometimes, don’t worry this to shall pass!
Have a great day!
xx Amy
Leopard and Lillies
So true!! Thanks, Amy. xo, Julie
We all get in those “blah” moods- sometimes even for no reason! I find the best thing to do is sleep it off (seriously!) and just listen to happy music or watch a funny TV show. Hope you feel better!
Agreed!! All so true. Thanks, Rachel! xo, Julie
I totally get it, I usulaly feel this way during the cold winter months. These are beautiful images, and ahhh breakfast in bed is fantastic!
Long drives with no clear destination is one of my favorite mood boosters. Triple bonus points if it’s a sunny day, the windows can be down, and you have good singing music on.
With Luck
A roadtrip with no destination in mind sounds like the perfect little adventure. Back before gas prices were so high, my friends and I used to always go for drives just to talk and escape.
Kristina does the Internets
I totally get the “blah” feeling on occasion, but I find that sitting down, relaxing with a yummy smelling candle and a good book always gets my over the hump. Also, I’m on board with high tea–I’ve always wanted to do that!
That sounds great, too!! Thanks Alyssa! xo, Julie
I get those blah feelings ever once in awhile too. Last week I felt pretty blah all week… uninspired with my wardrobe, uninspired at work and uninspired with life in general. I don’t know why this happens, but thanks for posting this! An afternoon of High Tea and and breakfast in bed sounds great!
I think it happens to all of us!! Hope you’re feeling better! xo, Julie
Don’t worry love, that blah feeling will pass..and if anything can cure that it is an amazing breakfast in bed!
xo Olivia
This Looks Good On You
So true. Thanks, Olivia! xo, Julie
for me, ijt’s going to a movie followed by a hot fudge sundae!!!
I can totally relate to that feeling Julie; I usually get that way when work gets crazy and I feel like I have no time for myself. I love your list! I’m a huge tea drinker (I’m drinking a cup now) so high tea is right up my alley! Breakfast in bed followed by a lazy day in pjs sounds like the best day ever! I hope you’re able to start a new collection, vintage stamps sounds like an amazing idea!
xo jen
I feel like it happens to all of us! YES, need to do high tea haha! Thanks, Jen! xo, Julie
I totally get it! I was feeling the same this weekend and I went to Make Meaning to get my creative juices going…thank god it went away. May be NYC might be the cure 🙂 . Feel better, XOXO
Ah great idea! xo, Julie
And thank you!! xo
Whenever I feel blah, that’s usually when I go shopping by myself. It’s a great way for me to clear my thoughts and just have some alone time! 🙂
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Always cures the blues! xo, Julie
This is a really awesome list for people who are stuck in ruts! I like the idea that you can hop out of it by trying something outside your usual routine. My favorite is the high tea and breakfast in bed idea. Sooo relaxing and indulgent 😀
xo Marlen
Messages on a Napkin
These all look like great ideas. That’s how I always feel in January…it’s the weather, especially up her in NY.
gah, i know this feeling Xo Megan,
It is January! Always blah, slow and quiet! It can be too quiet. With that being said, before you know it, life gets crazy and you wish you had these January days back in your life!
Could’nt agree more!