a green thumb

One of my absolute favorite colors to wear is green. Not so much neon green, but pretty much any other shade I adore. I think it is a color you can wear year round, and I tend to find myself in it quite often. If someone were to ask me my favorite color, in general, it is without a doubt purple, but if someone were to ask me my favorite color to wear, green is most certainly towards the very top of that list.

Madewell Diamondprint Tee. Madewell Silk Dress. H&M Bag. Superga Sneakers. Paige Skinny Jeans. NARS Nail Polish. Jennifer Miller Necklace. J.Crew Earrings.

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  1. Elyssa wrote:

    i LOVE green! i have a pair of green jeans that i am obsessed with wearing

    Posted 7.31.12 Reply
  2. mary wrote:

    Oh that nail color looks bomb! Love it! thanks for sharing

    Posted 7.31.12 Reply
  3. I love green too!! Your blog is adorable!! Thanks for visiting mine!! So glad I found yours! Would you like to follow each other’s blogs? Just let me know 🙂

    -Rachel @ A Preppy State of Mind

    Posted 7.31.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Of course! Glad we connected! xo, Julie

      Posted 7.31.12 Reply
  4. Roz wrote:

    I’ve been loving green for awhile, have done a Pinterest board on it and can’t wait to have something green for Fall! great job, Julie!

    Posted 8.1.12 Reply