A Most Perfect Weekend

Wow. What a weekend. The past few days have been filled with lots of laughs, some tears (happy ones), an abundance of smiles, and the most enormous amount of love I’ve ever felt. This past weekend was Matthew and my shower weekend. It started Friday night when we hosted a Mexican fiesta for all of our family and out of town guests who came in. Saturday my mom hosted the most beautiful brunch for all my bridesmaids and female family members. Saturday night was the main event…the co-ed shower at one of our favorite restaurants, Adair Kitchen. And Sunday Matthew’s parents hosted a delicious lunch outside at their home with the most perfect weather. I have never been more exhausted, but I’ve also never had such a special weekend. I’ve been excited for our wedding all along, but now I truly can’t wait. Weekends like this remind me how beyond lucky I am to have the most incredible people in my life. And that’s something I never take for granted. Here are a few photos from the weekend. More to come very soon. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend, as well.


Some decor from the Mexican fiesta at our loft


Desserts at our Mexican fiesta 


One of the tables at the brunch on Saturday 


A beautiful welcome table at the shower Saturday night


End of the night


At lunch Sunday attempting to take some photos by the pool 

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  1. fredda friedlander wrote:

    Loved being a part of your special weekend!!! Cannot wait until June 14th!!!!

    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  2. Auntie Sharon wrote:

    I loved ALSO being a part of your weekend, your lives and your families!!!! What a beautiful weekend you all had… onto June 14th- can’t wait , either!!!! Love you!

    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  3. Katie Corley wrote:

    Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend! Best wishes and congratulations!

    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  4. SCW wrote:

    Fabulous weekend. From Miss JB to Mrs JBW

    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  5. Monica wrote:

    what a beautiful post! and only the start to all the fun congratulations again!



    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  6. Reina wrote:

    Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful lovely weekend with Matthew!!!! It sounded magical:-)

    Posted 1.20.14 Reply
  7. Congratulations! I love the decor.

    Posted 1.21.14 Reply
  8. Jen wrote:

    What an amazing weekend! I love hearing about all your fun wedding festivities – can’t wait until the big day! Ps. You two look so cute together!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

    Posted 1.21.14 Reply