A New Year Ahead


I’m not big into resolutions for the new year. It’s not that I don’t think it’s possible to keep them; I would just rather come up with my own ‘words to live by’ that I can refer back to time and time again, not solely for the new year. I’ve come up with ten things that I feel are important to always remind yourself of, any day of the week, and for months and years to come. Yes, a couple may be cheesy, but I feel strongly about each and every one, and I hope it inspires you to come up with some of your own ‘words to live by.’ Here’s to 2014!


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  1. Fredda Friedlander wrote:

    Well said! I live by a lot of these each and everyday! It keeps us free of unwanted stress!

    Posted 12.29.13 Reply
  2. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    High five! I agree!

    Posted 12.29.13 Reply
  3. MFJ wrote:

    Awesome! I’ll be working on these too…#1, #6, #10

    Posted 12.29.13 Reply
  4. Reina wrote:

    Ditto ! Beautiful wise words! Great post!

    Posted 12.29.13 Reply