When I moved back to NYC for that short year a couple of years ago, I moved into a 450 sq ft apartment. And wall space was certainly, well, not aplenty. I didn’t want the walls to be bare and I also didn’t want to spend a lot on art because I didn’t know how long I’d be in that apartment. So I went on the hunt for affordable wall art!
Luckily, I was able to use my art from the NYC apartment for my FL apartment that I moved into earlier this year. With the addition of a few extra pieces, I’m pretty much all set for now. I was able to find links to almost all of them. I know some of you asked on IG where I purchased the pieces, so hope this helps!
My apartment is pretty much all grey, white, and some black, and touches of gold. It’s very neutral in terms of furniture and rugs, so I like to add pops of color in some of my art and decor pieces.