Running and operating a business is not for the faint of heart. It’s late nights, early mornings, and a constant pounding of the pavement. I am so incredibly inspired by those who go after what they want in a big way, let nothing stop them, and work their rear ends off day in and day out. And a prime example of one who does just that is Helaine Knapp, Founder & CEO of CITYROW.

After not seeing the results she wanted from workouts she was doing, Helaine set out to find one that not only showed results, but one she also loved. Enter: rowing. But not just any rowing. Helaine set out on a mission to make rowing sexy and cool. And her baby, CITYROW, filled that void in the marketplace.
I absolutely loved this interview with Helaine, so keep on reading for how she got to where she is today, lessons learned from managing a team, business advice for a new business owner, what’s on the horizon for CITYROW, and lots more.
When did the first CITYROW open?
Our first location, CITYROW Union Square, opened January 4, 2014.
How would you describe CITYROW in one sentence?
It’s rowing – and so much more. Alternating intervals on and off of the row machine deliver a triple threat workout: high-intensity sweat, low-impact burn, total body results.
Did you always know you wanted to open fitness studios? If not, when did you decide this is what you were meant to do?
Definitely not! Growing up I was a chubby kid who wanted to be athletic and then started and built my career first in publishing, then moved on to the tech world, working for Buddy Media (sold to for $800MM in 2012) and Olapic (sold to Monotype for $120MM in 2016).
It was while working in tech that the boutique fitness studio trend really started to boom – and of course, I got hooked as a customer.
I would go to classes almost daily for my workout and as a way to socialize with my friends or entertain clients. But after a few years of spinning and bootcamps I started to have serious lower back pain – and to top it off, I really wasn’t seeing major results. I had to stop everything I was doing and my doctors pushed me to find a low-impact workout. I saw nothing in the boutique fitness space that was low impact yet high intensity, so I set out on a mission to find a way to get a low-impact workout that was smart AND effective. It was while researching the best low impact workouts that rowing kept coming up for working 85% of your muscles, torching calories while also being low impact. I thought to myself that while it had a bit of an image problem (hello crossfitters or winklevoss twins), it was an unsung hero with untapped potential.
It needed to be re-invented as sexy, cool, accessible and brought into the mainstream.
I did my research, paired the rower with body weight exercises on the mat for a fast-paced HIIT workout and decided I would try to make it work.
What is your favorite part about your job? Most challenging?
Best part is I’m constantly growing, learning and solving problems – with awesome people. No two days are ever the same and while that can be draining at times, it really keeps things exciting.
Every day faces new challenges and they are real and scary at times. The most challenging part for me is balancing the consumer facing aspect of the business which is really cool and exciting, while feeling directly responsible for not only the success of CITYROW, but also for the team who wake up everyday and give it their all.
Your company has grown tremendously and it’s such a success – what all do you attribute that growth and success to?
Truthfully, it’s hustle, hard work, passion and more hustle. It’s juggling 100 balls and not being afraid to jump in and get my hands dirty. It’s having your finger on the pulse and being real, confronting brutal facts and being open and ready to pivot and change direction based on information.
Day 1 I never would have imagined we’d be expanding via franchising with 60 sold so far, or have an at-home digital product that’s ranked one of the highest in the market, but by taking a step back every once in a while, being open minded (and realistic!) you see the landscape differently and with the right team, can make bold moves.
What’s been your biggest “pinch me” moment of your career, thus far?
It’s a toss up between the TODAY SHOW segment (being interviewed by Savannah will always be a highlight of my life!) and our first Discovery Day when we met the first batch of prospective CITYROW franchisees who went around saying what they loved about us before we even met them.
What does a day in your life look like?
As you can imagine, no two days are the same, but it’s a principle of managing my energy – not my time. I’ve learned what drains my energy and what doesn’t (I could email from my apt for 20 hours a day, but a couple investor meetings in one day and I’m shot). When I’m in NYC, I try to really own my mornings before getting into things. I start my day with a walk in Central Park or a quick CITYROW GO class (I have a rower in my apartment!). Then, I tackle a handful of emails and maybe early calls at home before I head to the studio on the Upper East Side or run around the city for meetings. Evenings are jammed with events, workouts, meeting friends or sometimes I’ll pencil in a night to face mask and Netflix (which is often very necessary).
How has it been managing a team? Was it a learning curve for you?
I love it, and it’s also been a strong learning curve. Mostly, I’ve learned about myself as a leader and how most of the times you have to take the emotion out of it. That’s been the hardest part as someone who is a people pleaser and generally likes to be well liked (I thought everyone did?). That said, I’ve learned that to be a good and effective leader, you must be straight, direct and real. Regular feedback and clear expectations are everything – if you beat around the bush or sugarcoat, you’re not doing you or them any favors.
What advice would you give someone wanting to start their own business?
I say this all the time, but jump in. Do it, but be a realist. Know that the water is cold and everyday you’ll be fighting and solving problems, but it’s worth it, and life it too short not to follow your dreams!
What inspires you?
My team, our clients and our franchisees. Their passion and drive has always lifted me up when the day to day has gotten me down and reminds me why we’re doing this.
What motto / quote do you always try to live by?
If you think you can, you can and if you think you can’t, you’re right. Positive thinking and confidence are real things. It’s hard and affects us all, but you gotta dig deep and believe in yourself always.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
No one knows everything or all the answers, but believe in yourself, know your strengths and then bet on yourself everyday.
What’s next for you / CITYROW? Anything you can share?
Next up is opening TONS of studios across the country! The first studios will open later this summer, so get ready Dallas, Portland, Boca, West Bloomfield & LA! We’ll continue our expansion by finding amazing franchisees to embody the brand and we’ll also see expansion on the digital side, through expanded class offerings, more emphasis on community and a widespread international launch.
Thanks, Helaine!
Follow CITYROW on Instagram @cityrow.