image via Vogue
When I was sick earlier in the week all I wanted was to take a bath. This may not sound surprising to those of you who love baths, but I never take baths. Matthew and I have lived in our loft for almost 2 years now, and I have yet to use our bath. Until this past Monday! I’m a total bathing convert. I don’t know why I didn’t like baths before. I guess I found it too time consuming or something, but, man, was I mistaken. What is more relaxing than lighting a candle, putting on some good tunes, filling the tub with perfectly warm water (and bubbles!), and just vegging out? Yep, nothing. I really am going to try to take more and more baths because until I figure out how to actually meditate (I’m still really wanting to!!) this might just be my new relaxation activity. And now onto all the bath goodies I want (shop below). And whether your weekend includes matzo brei or egg hunting (or both), enjoy, and happy holidays!