chicken and olives

Last night I decided to try a spin on a classic: the chicken sandwich. I have a weird thing about olives. I absolutely love the taste of them, as long as they aren’t in their natural form. I strongly dislike biting into an olive, but I love when they are chopped up or turned into a tapenade. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make a chicken dish with olives. I decided to try it as a sandwich. It was delicious and left my taste tester (i.e. – boyfriend) wanting more. And, lucky for him, there are leftovers.


Kalamata Olives

Grape Tomatoes

Olive Oil

Bread Crumbs

Chicken Breast (boneless/skinless)

Medium Cheddar Cheese



Heat oven to 350 degrees.

Wash chicken breast and lay in a cooking pan.

Pour a little bit of olive oil on top and put chicken into the oven.

Put as many olives as you wish into a food processor and pulse until all chopped up.

Add a handful of bread crumbs into the food processor and pulse a few more times.

Take chicken out after 10-15 minutes and spread your olive ‘sauce’ on top.

Put chicken back into the oven and cook through (right before it’s done, take out and sprinkle shredded cheese on top and put back in until it’s done).

Once chicken is cooked, take out and cut up into small pieces.

Turn it into a sandwich (add parsley for color on top and tomatoes all around it).

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