couch potato

This week has been non stop. I feel like I haven’t had a second to just sit. Let me paint you a picture. Our apartment looks like a tornado came through it. The dishwasher hasn’t been emptied in a few days, meaning there are dirty dishes piling up in the sink. Clothes are piling up in my closet. Wedding gifts need to be purchased. Work has taken over my life this week so I haven’t had a chance to do any of the aforementioned things, which all need to be done, and then some. This weekend I have dinner plans both nights and a birthday party, but for the large majority of the couple days ‘off’ I’d like to sit on my couch for hours. While I have said before I love to be productive most of the time, this is one of those times where I want to be anything but productive. Saturday afternoon is going to be spent on my couch catching up on the shows I missed from the past week. I could not be more excited for this activity. Some couch potato essentials.


Soft blankets are essential for a day on the couch, and I just love the variety of colors these come in.


You want an extremely comfortable pair of pants for this occasion; no constricting waist bands here.


I love the first sip of delicious hot chocolate while relaxing on the couch.


Cozy footwear is a necessity when lounging at home.

Long Sleeve T-Shirt

I get too hot sitting in a sweatshirt, but a long sleeve t-shirt gives me just the right amount of warmth. Add a little fun to the lazy day by incorporating just a touch of Minnie.


Check out my most recent post on InsiderStyle. It’s all about florals and leather. Enjoy!

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  1. Alyssa wrote:

    Those throws look so cozy. I love all the color options!

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 9.13.12 Reply
  2. deanna wrote:

    Love the t-shirt neckline. They’re usually high and tight!

    Posted 9.13.12 Reply
  3. Miranda wrote:

    LOL. Sometimes you just need a good lazy weekend 😉


    Posted 9.14.12 Reply
  4. Fredda Friedlander wrote:

    We all need to unwind once in a while and be couch potatoes! Love the dress for this most needed event! Comfy.

    Posted 9.15.12 Reply