my office

(I am constantly working on projects and my stacks of paper are endless, but I try to keep my desk as empty and clean as possible at all times).

Working from home can have its advantages and its disadvantages. However, the one thing that is a must when working from home is creating a space that feels like a true office. As I mentioned in a previous post, in New York I’d work from my kitchen table. While I did turn the entire table into a desk, it wasn’t ideal. I love having a space in my apartment (my desk nook) that is just for my work and me. I’ve turned it into a small office and I find it much easier to work and stay focused in this setting. In earlier ‘desk nook’ posts, here and here, I mentioned how I wanted to decorate it and found lots of inspiration for doing so. I am extremely happy with how it turned out, and I hope it brings you all inspiration for the next time you give your desk area (whether at your home or an office) a face lift.

(A DIY dry erase board leans up against the wall for whenever I need to jot down notes or deadlines).

(I keep some favorite books and pictures of family and friends on my shelves).

(I have an ‘active’ paper holder for any current projects, articles, or lists I’m working on, kept together by a heart paperweight. I also have a file holder on top of my desk for ongoing projects and work. Below my desk is a larger file holder for papers and work I don’t need to constantly look at).

(I use these grey boxes to hold supplies and inspiration).

(Artwork adds a little more life to a desk area, and I love these inspirational pieces).

(I love height in a room, and I felt this large vase with branches spruced up the otherwise ‘bland’ corner).

Want to revamp your desk area?

DIY Dry Erase Board Frame – Michaels

‘Active’ Paper Holder – West Elm

File Holder – The Container Store

Decorative File Folders – The Container Store

Pen/Pencil Holder – The Container Store

Heart Paperweight – Z Gallerie

Grey Boxes – The Container Store

Artwork – Z Gallerie

Large Vase – Z Gallerie

Black Branches – Michaels



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  1. Alyssa wrote:

    I love the artwork in your office! When I’m home, I mostly do work from either a) my bed or b) my couch. I feel like having an office would make me so much more productive. I love yours!

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 8.8.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Aw thank you! When I do work from my couch I fall asleep so I had to switch things up ha! 😉 Glad you like it! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.8.12 Reply
  2. mary wrote:

    Shut up!!! this is amazing! Looks great and a place you could really get some work done!! So organized! job well done!

    Posted 8.8.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank you SO much!! xo, Julie

      Posted 8.8.12 Reply
  3. I’m kind of jealous of this set up – it’s so chic .
    Xo Megan

    Posted 8.13.12 Reply
  4. i’m in the process of setting up my own office because my lack of organization is driving me insane. your space looks great – thanks for the inspiration!

    xx theflossylife

    Posted 8.14.12 Reply