Engaging Podcast Guests: How to Find and Interview the Right People

Finding and interviewing the right podcast guests can be a game-changer for your show. A great guest can provide fresh perspectives, interesting stories, and valuable insights that captivate your audience. But how do you find these elusive podcast unicorns, and more importantly, how do you ensure they shine on your show? Let’s dive into some practical tips.

1. Identifying Potential Guests

Start by looking within your niche. Who are the thought leaders, influencers, or interesting personalities in your field? Check out industry blogs, social media, and conference speakers. Tools like LinkedIn can be gold mines for discovering professionals with intriguing backgrounds.

But don’t limit yourself to the obvious choices. Sometimes, the most engaging guests are those with unique, lesser-known stories. Think outside the box—authors, entrepreneurs, and even passionate hobbyists can bring fresh, relatable content to your listeners.

2. Making the Approach

Once you’ve identified potential guests, it’s time to make your move. A well-crafted, personalized email is your best friend here. Introduce yourself and your podcast, and explain why you think they’d be a great fit. Highlight any mutual connections or shared interests to build rapport.

Here’s a pro tip: Keep it short and sweet. Busy people appreciate brevity. End with a clear call to action, like scheduling a brief call to discuss the opportunity further.

3. Preparing for the Interview

Preparation is key to a smooth and engaging interview. Start by researching your guest thoroughly. Listen to previous interviews they’ve done, read their articles or books, and familiarize yourself with their work and viewpoints.

Draft a list of questions, but keep it flexible. You want to cover the essential topics but also leave room for spontaneous, organic conversation. I personally don’t script any of my episodes because I love the off-the-cuff nature of a real conversation. Having some information and a few key points in mind can help steer the dialogue without making it feel rigid. Remember, the goal is to create an engaging dialogue, not a scripted Q&A session.

4. Asking the Right Questions

Good questions can make or break an interview. Aim for open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses. Instead of asking, “Did you enjoy working on that project?” try, “What was the most challenging part of that project, and how did you overcome it?”

Don’t shy away from deeper, more personal questions, but be respectful and sensitive. A well-placed follow-up question can also dig deeper into interesting points your guest brings up.

5. Creating a Comfortable Environment

Creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere is crucial for getting the best out of your guest. Start with some light conversation before hitting the record button. This helps ease any nerves and sets a friendly tone.

During the interview, listen actively and show genuine interest in what your guest is saying. Acknowledge their points and respond thoughtfully. This not only makes your guest feel valued but also enhances the overall flow of the conversation.


Finding and interviewing engaging podcast guests doesn’t have to be daunting. By identifying the right people, approaching them thoughtfully, preparing thoroughly, asking insightful questions, and creating a comfortable environment, you can elevate your podcast to new heights.

So, who’s the next dream guest on your list? Go ahead, reach out, and let the magic happen. And if you need any more tips or want to share your own experiences, feel free to connect with me at julie@julielauren.com.

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