Thoughts from my desk…


One of my best friends said something over wine on Saturday and it struck a chord with me: you can’t put silk stockings on a pig.

It’s funny when you first hear it, and I did laugh when she first said it, but then it set in. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that not everyone is going to be your closest friend, not everyone is going to be in your inner circle, and sometimes people will disappoint you.

When people get to a certain age (if they’ve graduated college, they are most certainly at this ‘certain’ age) they aren’t changing. Small things may change, yes, but who they are, fundamentally, as a person is not changing, no matter what.

I have gotten much better over the years at accepting people for who they are, and realizing that while I may not agree with her actions or his thoughts, I need to just accept it and move on. When I was younger I had an issue with ‘moving on,’ and I couldn’t be happier that I now know how to (or at least I am getting much better at it). At the end of the day, nothing you do or say (or force this person to wear…silk stockings, I’m talking to you) will change what they are all about, and that is perfectly fine.


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  1. such a funny spin on really good advice. there are so many great people in the world. there is no reason to waste energy on someone who doesn’t fit.


    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  2. alison wrote:

    Those are great bits of advice, thank you!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  3. Rachel wrote:

    I can definitely agree with this! I’ve never heard of that quote, either, but it’s pretty funny and true!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  4. Stephanie wrote:

    i totally agree with your thoughts on this, and it’s amazing how when you learn to just accept people how they are, even if they are SO different from you, you can form such unique and beautiful relationships!


    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  5. I’ve never heard of that quote, but it’s a great one!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  6. Alyssa wrote:

    Haha–I’ve never heard of that quote, but it’s definitely true. As you get old, you learn which situations it’s healthy to let go of people in, and which you should stay fighting in. Eventually it all becomes clear!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  7. With ya on that one. I’ve changed a fair bit in terms of interests from college and a lot of my college friends have had trouble accepting that fact. Which is odd because there’s nothing at stake for them in accepting this new person who is healthier and happier, but people are people with all their quirks and kinks and I’ve finally come to see that just because I was close with someone when I was 21, it doesn’t mean they need to be my bridesmaid.

    Good thoughts!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  8. Hahaha I’ve never heard this quote! But couldn’t agree more!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  9. Amy wrote:

    Excellent post!! Getting older does have a few perks and one of those for me is realizing more easily the things and people that matter most in my life.:)

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  10. myra wrote:

    Very well said!

    Posted 6.3.13 Reply
  11. MFJ wrote:

    That’s so true!

    Posted 6.4.13 Reply
  12. Elena wrote:

    Love your thoughts! Its true.. most important in life to learn how ‘let it go’..

    You can enter my Giveaway to win bright earrings for summer!)

    Posted 6.4.13 Reply
  13. LesliMarie wrote:

    Well said! I too have always had an issue with moving on and accepting people for who they are. Its like I always had to have an opinion, and let them know my opinion. But through the years I’ve realized you cant beat a dead horse…and so I’ve learned to just say ok….and keep it moving.


    Posted 6.4.13 Reply
  14. Jen wrote:

    There are so many posts of yours that I read and realize that I feel the exact same way! I used to get so hung up on friends who weren’t being good friends or people who just caused drama and it really drags you down and sucks all your energy. It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I finally decided that I’d had enough and let certain friendships fade away. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with my current friends and I’m so thankful that I decided it was time to move on 🙂 I couldn’t agree more with how you feel Julie!

    xo jen

    Posted 6.4.13 Reply
  15. Cecily wrote:

    It’s true but sad to loose some people you thought you would count on always. but well, life happens.

    Ps. amazing desk!!!!

    Posted 6.5.13 Reply
  16. I love that saying! I have heard it used from time to time and it really is true. It serves as a good reminder in many ways. We have to just accept people for who they are or move on 🙂

    Posted 6.11.13 Reply
  17. auntie wrote:

    Amen!!!! xoxo

    Posted 6.17.13 Reply