Favorite Find of the Week: LUDI GiftBox

Have you ever struggled with what to get someone as a gift? Of course you have! We all have. Enter LUDI GiftBox (LUDI stands for ‘let us do it’) and your struggles have immediately gone away. How neat is this – through LUDI GiftBox you can choose an already selected box of goodies OR you can have them customize one for you based on what you want to spend. The gift will be sent directly to the recipient in a beautifully wrapped box. I think this is such a unique concept, and guess what? If you place your order by Friday, it will arrive in time for Valentine’s Day (PLUS free shipping). Below are a few of my favorite LUDI boxes.


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  1. fredda friedlander wrote:

    great gifts! Great finds!

    Posted 2.5.14 Reply
  2. Jen wrote:

    What an amazing idea! I think everyone’s struggled finding the perfect gift for a friend, this is the perfect solution!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

    Posted 2.5.14 Reply
  3. max wrote:

    wow great concept for people who arent great at shopping!

    Posted 2.5.14 Reply