for the face

As I mentioned here, I have my go-to items in the beauty department. I also have my go-to items in the facial (and eye) cleansing department. I know I probably could and should try new items after using the same products for years on end, but I love them and they work well on my skin, so I’m sticking to my plan. If you, on the other hand, are in the market for a change, I highly recommend the following items for your face (and eyes).

Liquid Facial Soap – Clinique
I use the mild soap, twice daily
Clarifying Lotion/Toner – Clinique
I use twice daily

Moisturizing Gel – Clinique
I use twice daily
Beta Hydroxy Pads – Trish McEvoy
I use twice a week
Eye Makeup Remover Pads – Almay
I use whenever I wear heavy eye makeup

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