fresh face

I’m not one to switch up face products too often, but when I got wind of RX Skin Therapy my mindset completely changed. Often we stick to the same facial cleansing products year after year after year. However, sometimes it’s good to make a change. Sometimes those new products can do wonders on your face and make your skin feel even that much better. I’m very excited to introduce you all to this fabulous skin care line. There are tons and tons of products for you to explore (for every single skin type out there), but I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites below.

As well, I’m thrilled to let you know that you can receive some free samples to test out yourself if you act fast. The first 20 people to email and let them know that you read the feature about RX Skin Therapy on from prosecco to plaid will receive a package of free samples. Make sure to click here and fill out the questionnaire to find out exactly what skin type you are (unless you already know for sure) so you receive the correct ones.

foaming facial cleanser

skin firming serum

SPF 15 day cream

facial scrub


Email and let them know you saw the feature about them on from prosecco to plaid. Make sure you give them your address and skin type (click here for questionnaire) to send you the free samples. Enjoy!


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  1. deanna seltzer wrote:

    I answered all ques. but forgot to send my address to receive free sample of anti-aging, anti wrinkle, anti-whitehead stuff that also evens out skin color. I’m over 65 and really need something to help my skin! Please send to Deanna Seltzer at 733 W. Melrose St. chicago IL 60657-3417. Thanks in advance!

    Posted 7.9.12 Reply
  2. Fredda Friedlander wrote:

    I totally agree that we all need a change when it comes to our skincare products. It is always good to “jumpstart” your face with new products at any age. I did like the skin firming serum a lot.

    Posted 7.9.12 Reply