How I Unwind at Home


After a long day,  there’s nothing quite like relaxing in the comfort of your own home. I am a self-proclaimed homebody and proud of it! It’s not that I don’t like being social (because I do!), but there is just something about being home that makes me so incredibly happy and at ease.

When it comes to how I unwind at home, I have a few go-to’s that always help me to relax.


Wine. Plain and simple. Opening a bottle of delicious red wine in the winter time and having a glass while cozying up on the couch…what’s better than that? Pictured above: 11 Pinos from Wines from Spain who graciously sent me some bottles to try out (thank you!).


Doing my nails. I absolutely love to do my nails. I find it fun, relaxing, and therapeutic. And to take it a step further, I’ll put on a face mask and have a full on pamper night in.


Writing letters. I’m old school in the sense that I ADORE snail mail. I love sending letters and cards in the mail, so sometimes I’ll catch up on thank you notes, birthday notes, ‘just hello’ notes, and just write.


Working out. If I don’t feel like going to the gym, I’ll bring the gym to me. Having a set of free weights makes it very easy to do quick work outs whenever, wherever. I’ll typically put on my favorite YouTube channels or movie in the background and do my exercises.


Read magazines (with wine, of course). I tend to let my magazine pile get rather big before I dive in, but that way, I’ll have a lot to read all at once, which is a great activity that I thoroughly enjoy.

A few other ways I decompress that aren’t mentioned above include: listening to good tunes, reading articles I find online or a book, Netflix, writing, and playing around on my computer (researching, graphic design, etc). And other ways to unwind at home here.

How do you unwind at home after a long day? Would love to hear in the comments below!


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