How to…Live Your Weekend to the Fullest


When the weekend comes, it’s pretty much the best thing since sliced bread (never fully understood that saying, but let’s just go with it). No more work for a couple days, sleeping in late, delicious meals with friends, and everything else that comes along with those two precious days before getting back to the grind on Monday.

For me, while I love my weekends more than anything, I never feel like I fully unwind. Whether it’s because I’m glued to my phone (I HATE to admit that) or I’m catching up on work, or organizing our apartment, it is, by no means, the most relaxing couple of days. While I may not fully unwind, I do feel I’m getting better at it. And here is how to…live your weekend to the fullest.

  • Leave your phone at home for one night of your weekend. Whether it’s a date night, a night out with friends, or quality time with family, leave your phone behind (at home or in your car). Try to just enjoy the people you are with. When your phone is on you, even if it’s not on purpose, you end up looking at it, and you’re not fully in the moment.
  • Take one day completely off. If you need Sunday to catch up on work and organize for the week ahead, take Saturday off. When I say off I mean no work, no computer, nothing that has to do with your 9-5 during the week. If it means you’re a couch potato, more power to you. If it means you go to the gym, followed by mimosas at brunch, followed by relaxing in bed watching TV or reading a book, great. Just take one day 100% off.
  • Breakfast in bed. It doesn’t sound like anything special, but having breakfast in bed (even if that breakfast just consists of a bowl of Cheerios and a cup of coffee) makes you feel like a bit of a princess.
  • Get outside. Fresh air makes everything better (especially if it’s sunny out).
  • Do at least one activity. Walking, biking, Jazzercise (my personal favorite), yoga, or anything in between, it feels good to be active and it’ll put you in an even better ‘weekend mood.’
  • Do what you want to do. Sometimes it’s hard to say no to a plan even though you may not really want to do it. Your weekend is only two days long, so make the most of it by doing what you want to do with people you want to be with.

Have a great weekend!


Don’t miss my guest post on The Chic Sheet. It’s all about prints for spring!

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  1. Mira wrote:

    Thanks for sharing. I try to go walking every sunday 🙂


    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  2. Miranda wrote:

    Love this! Great ideas 🙂


    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  3. Kristina wrote:

    I like the idea of leaving your phone behind one night of the weekend. I might just have to make this a date night rule!

    Kristina does the Internets

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  4. Megan wrote:

    Totally agree with these! Especially the last one… sometimes it’s hard to say no to people, but if I do something I’m not crazy about I feel like I’ve lost my whole weekend

    Here’s to a great weekend!! 🙂

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  5. Lauren wrote:

    Great tips! I need to be better about unplugging on the weekends! There are times where I feel like I’m on my phone/computer non-stop!

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  6. alison wrote:

    These are great tips! I also feel like I never relax, always blogging or doing some sort of side project. Have a great weekend!

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  7. anngelik wrote:

    Great idea! I should live my weekends to the fullest since they are my only time off. I will try some of these!


    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  8. Roz wrote:

    Thanks for the great tips……I don’t know how I can go without my phone for a day, but it would be fun to try! Saturday suggestions are good…..Sunday has always been a “family day” for me but I do find myself stressing about the coming week. Sunday nights are killers!

    Good suggestions!

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  9. Rachel wrote:

    So true! I don’t know if I’ve ever even HAD breakfast in bed- is that sad? haha!

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  10. Great tips. Getting some fresh air is definitely key. Breakfast in bed sounds so great, but we usually always end up with breakfast on the couch, that is sorta the same, right!?

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  11. Great tips Julie! I love the idea of leaving your phone at home, it’s such a great way to take a break! Breakfast in bed is one of my favorite weekend activities, it’s just sad that it happens so infrequently lol. I hope you have a great weekend!

    xo jen

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  12. Rebecca wrote:

    Perfect tips for making the weekend better! I really need to leave my phone at home every once and a while and this was a good reminder!


    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  13. Love this post! I totally agree especially with the phone bit and having to get outdoors. You really need to make the most of your weekend before the start of the Monday morning grind.
    Have a great weekend

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  14. myra wrote:

    Love your weekend words of wisdom!

    Posted 4.5.13 Reply
  15. MFJ wrote:

    Great idea! I’m eager to hear what you did to relax this weekend.

    Posted 4.6.13 Reply
  16. Tracy wrote:

    Taking one day off during the weekend is exactly what I have been trying to do lately. A couple months ago I decided if I was going to keep my sanity I needed one day a week to myself.


    Posted 4.7.13 Reply
  17. Perfect tips for improcing my weeken! I’ll try next one!

    Posted 4.7.13 Reply
  18. Lori wrote:

    Great advice! I feel like my weekends are always go, go, go!

    Posted 4.7.13 Reply
  19. great tips… hope this one was a relaxed one!

    Posted 4.8.13 Reply
  20. elle sees wrote:

    this was my goal for the week, and i certainly took some strides to relax and soak it in

    Posted 4.8.13 Reply
  21. Natalie wrote:

    love this. I need to do more of this and your right even coffee in bed on Saturday mornings feels so luxurious. Add my honey and the paper and I can guarantee smiley Natalie all day! Have a great week!


    Posted 4.8.13 Reply
  22. Alyssa wrote:

    Breakfast in bed is the best–although now that I have a white bedspread I have to be extra careful, or I’ll end up doing laundry on my Saturday. Ew.

    Posted 4.9.13 Reply