Unwind at Home

I’m not sure about you, but after a long week, my favorite thing to do on a Friday night is to unwind in the comfort of my own home. It’s so interesting how life works because a few years ago I’d be the first one to want to do something on a Friday night. These days – not so much. Don’t get me wrong; I love going out for dinner with Matthew and/or friends, but there’s nothing quite like a chill night in. For a while, when I was younger, I would get very ‘bored’ at home. I’d constantly need to be doing something. It’s so funny looking back at how I would get so antsy when I didn’t have plans. Now, at my ripe old age of 29, I thrive on having no plans and being home (again, don’t get me wrong – I LOVE my friends and I love plans, too, but there is something about being home). If you’re one to get rather bored, see below for some ideas for unwinding at home. Have a great weekend.


Pull a ‘Julia Roberts’ circa ‘Pretty Woman’ and get in your tub full of bubbles, sing your heart out, put on a face masque, and have a little pamper night (at home mani, the works)…oh, and don’t forget the wine, of course. (image source unknown)


Grab that book you’ve been meaning to read or go through the stack of magazines in your closet and lay on the couch in your comfiest clothing, silence the stressful, busy thoughts in your mind, and just read. (image)


It may not seem like a way to unwind, but cleaning out your closet is actually very relaxing, and especially when you make massive piles to donate of things you simply don’t wear anymore. (image)


Put on your all time favorite playlist…and just dance. (image)


Whether you’re a good baker or not, find a recipe that sounds delicious, put on a fun movie in the background, and get to it. Baking can be so relaxing, and the end result is always a bonus: yummy sweets to eat. (image)


Do a puzzle or play some sort of game that you enjoy. (image)


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