Inspiring and Successful Women: Sara Lowell

Today’s installment of my ‘Inspiring and Successful Women’ series holds an extra special place in my heart. And that is because today it’s all about Sara Lowell, owner of Sara Renee Events (aka my wedding planner). Lowell started her company back in 2005, and since then she has become one of the most well known wedding planners in Florida (and elsewhere). Even though my wedding is over and done with, Lowell and I are still in touch and I love her dearly! Keep reading to learn all about Lowell and her business. 


Did you always know you wanted to be an event planner?

Not really. It kind of just happened.  My father was Vice President of Madison Square Garden so I think growing up watching all the behind the scenes magic intrigued me.  He ran all of Madison Square Garden so as a kid going with him to work and watching them cover ice with a Basketball court was amazing.  This had to impact me somehow to love events and the magic that goes into them!

How would you describe your event planning company?

We work best with clients that allow us to do what we do best.  We are a very boutique event-planning firm BUT we are also SUPER fun and love planning events that allow us to come up with some crazy and wild ideas.  When hiring Sara Renee Events you have to know you’re going to laugh a lot and have a fun time planning your event. Editor’s Note: This is very very true. We laughed A LOT and had the best time…EVER. We are huge believers that this process should NOT be stressful. It’s a party!  People have been getting married for 3000 years.  It’s important not to turn the wedding or event into something that loses its true meaning.  It’s not a “show,” it’s a celebration and celebrations are meant to be FUN!

Before you started your own company, Sara Renee Events, what did you do?

I was an actress that needed extra money! So, I got a job Dancing at Bar and Bat Mitzvahs.  I know that sounds crazy, but I credit the 15 years I spent as a dancer for the amazing business I have today. I spent every weekend of my life at an event. I learned the logistics and the timing of events. I was also a vendor! I know what it’s like not to have money to pay for valet and to be searching for a valet validation. I know what it’s like to be starving at an event. These factors make me who I am today.  I have empathy for everyone working my events and I treat them all how I would like to be treated! We are all there for the same reason…. a happy client.

What is your typical day like?

Well, no matter what, I get 2 kids off to school and always try to get a morning yoga class in. I usually have 2 or 3 meetings a day and spend a lot of time driving.  I can meet a client to do invites and then head to Miami to see a flower centerpiece with another client.  I usually give myself one day a week with no meetings for office work, and no matter what I am off Mondays.  So my Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are usually long full days.  My laptop is always with me and anytime between meetings I will spend at a Starbucks catching up on emails. I usually try to be home by 6:00PM and that’s the story of my life!  Friday is wedding prep day and usually a Rehearsal and Saturday is GAME DAY!

What is the most challenging thing about your job?

Emotions.  Doing this every weekend we know everything comes together and everything works out. We are non emotional about challenging things.  This is our work and what we do.  We are your quarterbacks for your wedding day, or as Olivia Pope says, “WE ARE GLADIATORS.”  The most challenging thing for me is watching people have emotional breakdowns over the weather or the fact that the place card table has to move inside because the wind is going to knock it over. I have to remind myself many times on wedding day that people are in a very emotional state.  The smallest thing can turn into the biggest thing for them. Another challenging thing would be a client we can’t control. Clients that book things on their own, clients that order silly things from the Internet and expect me to make them look good on the favor table, clients that spend too much time on Pinterest. The best results come from letting us do what we do which is guiding you and telling you YAY or NAY.  Don’t wait until it’s too late!

What is the most rewarding thing about your job?

Event Day. Hands down.  Watching my clients see the ballroom for the first time.  There is nothing like that moment.

What is your advice for someone who wants to break into the field of event planning?

Have no ego.  Don’t tell the client all the amazing things you’re doing to save the day. They don’t care.  Treat EVERYONE working with respect and be calm. Nobody wants to see a stressed out event planner.

You’re not only a wife and an all star event planner, but also a mother to two. How do you manage your time?

LOTS OF HELP!  I live near my family for a reason. In this business we have crazy hours.  I walk in the door at 5am on Sunday Mornings because my wedding did not end until 4am.  I have to count on many people to get my kids where they need to be and am so thankful for the help I have!  I also bring them home lots of YUMMY treats from the weddings the night before so they are happy!

The best advice you’ve ever received (and who did the advice come from)?

Funny enough this just happened to me! I was recently being interviewed by a potential client who also has over 1,000 employees working for him in over 10 states and runs one of the largest advertising agencies in the nation. He gave me life-changing advice. If a client is doing their own thing and booking their own vendors… FIRE THEM.  He was correct when he told me it’s all a reflection of my business and me.  If people go to an event and the band is AWFUL, they don’t know that my client booked that without consulting with me. The same goes for everything. I was telling him about cleaning up clients’ messes that they make when they go off and do their own thing. His reply was simply…”FIRE THEM” This is life changing advice.

Thanks Sara! xo

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  1. Lori Friedman wrote:

    As a total control freak, I relinqished all control to Sara and her team and had the very best weekend of my life. She is exactly how portrayed in this article and a total pro. We had so many dynamics to work with our guests and families that this could have been an extremely stressful experience and instead was so much fun and my husband, our guests and myself all had the best weekend ever. Its 7 years later and our friends still talk about our fabulous wedding weekend. LOVE SARA!!! She is the BEST! Xoxo Lori Friedman

    Posted 11.12.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Hi Lori!! I couldn’t agree with you MORE. Sara is truly the BEST. I got married in June and it was the best weekend EVER! So glad you had such an amazing experience, too!! She really is amaaaaaazing!!! Thanks for reading! xo, Julie

      Posted 11.13.14 Reply