Introducing the New and Improved FPTP


The reason it’s been a bit quiet in these parts lately is because I’ve been finalizing a site redesign! And now I can officially show you, and tell you that it’s all DONE. Of course, there are still some minor details being tweaked, but here it is. My brand new (and improved) website. I’m SO excited about it. The CKO Designs team is seriously incredible, and I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to design or redesign a website. They took my visions and brought them to life, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the final outcome. I wanted something modern, clean, easy to navigate, and simple. And I think it’s exactly that.

Beyond the design, you won’t really notice TOO many changes on here. It’s still laid out the same with the most recent post at the top in its entirety, and all other posts showing a snippet, and you just need to click ‘read more’ to continue reading. Up top you’ll see a very simple navigation bar with all the pertinent info (including a link to LJ Creative House). On the right sidebar you’ll see my social media channels (follow me on all those fun things if you’re not! #shamelessplug), a ‘search’ bar, an easy way to subscribe to my weekly newsletter (subscribe if you’re not, please! #anothershamelessplug), and a few advertising slots.

And that’s pretty much it! I hope you enjoy this fresh new design as much as I do! Would love to hear your comments below. Thank you, as always, for following along in my little corner of the world wide web, and I’ll be back to regularly scheduled blogging later this week. xo, Julie


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  1. Love the new look! It’s so clean 🙂

    Posted 4.21.15 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thanks, Morgan!!! xo, Julie

      Posted 4.28.15 Reply