Jul's Gems

So long, wonderful weekend. I spent quality time on the couch, celebrated a good friend’s birthday, had delicious dinners and a fun girls brunch, and I spent time with my boyfriend’s family (including his adorable beyond adorable nephew). In between all of this, I somehow managed to get an ample amount of work done and clean the apartment. Let’s just say when Sunday night rolled around, I was ready for bed by 9:30. The littlest things have been making me happy lately, such as my new favorite station on Pandora, Solo Piano Radio. I’ve never been into this type of music before, but lately I can’t get enough of it. It makes me feel utterly relaxed. I’ll play it in the background while I’m working from home or my boyfriend and I will have it on, drink wine, and just lounge (makes us sound a lot more sophisticated than we actually are, I promise). Along with my new love for the sounds of a piano, here are some other little things that have made me happy the past few days.

tomato and mozzarella skewers I made to bring over to my boyfriend’s parents last night*

our coffee table that finally arrived (after 5 months of living here)

colorful pairs of jeans I’ve been living in lately

book boxes I’ve recently placed on top of our refrigerator

the intoxicating smell of homemade caramelized nuts

*A big thanks to my dear friend who gave me the idea for tomato and mozzarella skewers yesterday.

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  1. Alyssa wrote:

    Those tomato and mozz sticks are so cute–perfect to bring to a party! I’ve never heard of that pandora station, but I MUST try it out…I’ve played the piano for over 12 years, and I find the sound of it so relaxing!

    The Glossy Life

    Posted 9.17.12 Reply
  2. amy wrote:

    love the colored jeans!


    Leopard and Lillies

    Posted 9.17.12 Reply
  3. auntie susie wrote:

    Love the skewers!!! Great idea!!! Happy New Year!!!! xoxoxo

    Posted 9.17.12 Reply
  4. Jessica wrote:

    i just found your blog & its lovely.

    Posted 9.17.12 Reply
  5. deanna wrote:

    Coffee table is a beauty.. How about the tecipe for the carmelized nuts? They look and smell (I’m sure) great.

    Posted 9.18.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      It was very easy! I put olive oil in a pan, let it heat a bit, added brown sugar and cinnamon, added in the nuts, and mixed them all together. It was delicious!

      Posted 9.18.12 Reply
  6. Fredda wrote:

    Nothing better to come home too OR stay at home too as all the above mentioned!!! I just had a massage out of town and the music in the back round was the owners own IPAD which she played a pandora melody!!!! So easy and so perfect to wind down!!! Love the colored jeans!

    Posted 9.18.12 Reply
  7. LesliMarie wrote:

    The coffee table looks great….and you just made me hungry:)


    Posted 9.18.12 Reply