Jul's Gems

I’m loving summer and everything about it. However, I can’t believe how fast it is going. I feel like I’ve been out of town so much, so I’m really looking forward to staying in Houston this coming weekend. Dinners, brunches, and lounging will fill my couple days off. Some of my current gems.

Going to get my nails done is one of my favorite things to do, but there is something about an at-home manicure that I find very therapeutic.

My new marimekko toiletry bags that I received as gifts the other day.

New pair of sunglasses (by Lanvin).

Our cork collection is growing (no, we did not drink all those bottles of wine since I’ve moved here).

A new recipe book (Wine Bites) I just received as a gift, and I can’t wait to try out everything in here (paired with wine, of course).

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  1. Cori wrote:

    Hey Julie! What do you put your corks in? Is that a vase?

    Posted 7.12.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Hi Cori! It’s a very large and tall lucite container. I’ve seen corks in big vases, though, and also big glass bowls! xo, Julie

      Posted 7.12.12 Reply
  2. A's Fashion Files wrote:

    OMG that’s quite a cork collection!!! love it!!

    P.S. I’m having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don’t forget to enter! 🙂
    A’s Fashion Files
    $75 Shopbop Giveaway!

    Posted 7.12.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      That’s quite a giveaway! Sounds great. Thanks for stopping by! xo, Julie

      Posted 7.12.12 Reply
  3. Clare wrote:

    That wine cork collection is such a smart idea. I usually throw mine out or make serving trays with them, but once I get bored, I don’t know what to do with them! I am so excited to now start a collection in a cool jar like that! Thanks for such simple yet so overlooked!

    ~ Clare
    Understated Classics

    Posted 7.12.12 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      I like the serving tray idea! So glad you’re going to start collecting this way, too! It’s really fun (and another excuse to drink lots of wine 😉 Thanks for stopping by! xo, Julie

      Posted 7.12.12 Reply
  4. Miss K wrote:

    I love the Marimekko pouches!

    Posted 7.12.12 Reply