Let's Get Crafty: DIY Gift Tags




Lately, it’s been birthday after engagement after birthday after engagement in my life. I can’t complain because it’s happy moments for those I love and care about. With all these celebratory occasions comes lots of gift giving. I’ve always enjoyed picking out gifts for people. I also have a thing for wrapping gifts, and lately I’ve been all about making homemade gift tags. Of course you can buy beautiful gift tags, but what’s the fun in that? Making them from scratch is easy and can be much more personal. Below are some of the recent gift tags I’ve made along with the (VERY easy) steps on how to do it. Happy Gifting!









It’s super simple, guys. Grab the items listed in the photo up top, and let’s get crafty. First you’ll pick out beautiful paper (or as you see in the last picture, you can use magazine clippings, too). Cut them in the desired shape (square, round, etc). Use a stencil if needed, and don’t forget fun scissors with cool edges to spice things up a bit. Once you have your two or three layers of different paper, you’ll put a 3D foam dot in between each (this gives it dimension). Then, you’ll put a hole punch wherever you’d like, write your message (you can also do this before putting on the foam dot, may be easier to write it that way), and attach to the gift with twine or ribbon. Like I said, easy peasy.

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