Life Lately

Oh hi, remember me? Probably not because I’ve been MIA (as in missing in action, not Miami, although I was in Miami for a layover recently, but I digress). For someone who didn’t fly for a year, I’ve been racking up my miles lately. A few weeks back my nephew, Blake Preston, was born. In being totally objective, he is legit the cutest baby I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m his Aunt; I’m allowed to say these things, but no really, he’s BEYOND (see picture below for proof), SO I was in DC meeting him for a long weekend. I was back for 3 days, and off to Turks and Caicos (where the Miami layover came into play) for Matthew’s cousins wedding. If you’ve ever been to a beach wedding, you understand when I say it was the most beautiful backdrop for a wedding…EVER. And if you haven’t been to a beach wedding, well, I don’t know what to say to you on the matter. Now I’m back for a few days, and off to NY this weekend for one of my very best friends weddings. So, like I said, I’ve been MIA (but for good reasons!). Once I’m back from NY Sunday, I’ll be in Houston for another week and a half and then I’m off to Florida because guess what party people, my wedding is in a few weeks. Holy hell. How did that happen?! I can hardly believe it, but I can also hardly wait. Hope you’ve all been doing great and not missing me too much. Back to regularly scheduled programming…eventually. Lots of love, Julie


Like I said, cutest baby ever (and his big brother, Murray licking his head)


Love this little mush so much


Matthew and I in Turks and Caicos this past weekend en route to the rehearsal dinner (white party, wearing a dress from Cakewalk Style Shop)


Where we stayed and where the wedding was at (Gansevoort)


Most beautiful backdrop for a wedding I’ve ever seen

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  1. Alyssa wrote:

    Congrats on your new nephew! He’s gorgeous, and I love the name!

    Posted 5.21.14 Reply
    • Julie wrote:

      Thank you SO much, Alyssa! xo, Julie

      Posted 5.21.14 Reply
  2. Monica wrote:

    What a month! You nephew is adorable I love that picture.
    Let the countdown to the wedding begin !!!!

    Posted 5.21.14 Reply
  3. Myra Bortnick wrote:

    What an adorable baby and bride and groom to be!

    Posted 5.22.14 Reply
  4. Your nephew looks so cute, congrats! Can’t wait to see your wedding pics :).

    Posted 5.23.14 Reply
  5. Caroline wrote:

    What an amazing time of your life 🙂

    I’m so happy for all your blessings. Xo

    Posted 5.28.14 Reply