Master Bathroom

So, that whole ‘make lemonade out of lemons’ thing… well, that’s what Matthew and I have attempted to do in our not so ideal situation regarding our home at the moment. Since we have to be out of our loft for the next 4-6 weeks in order to fix our downstairs, we have decided to make the best of it and really finish up our place. For the most part it is done, but there are still some things we have wanted to do, but we said we would wait until later on since it might require us to move out for a bit while the work gets finished. Well, turns out now might be the perfect time. One of the things we want to do is completely renovate our master bathroom. It’s a great size, but it’s not our style, and we don’t love it at all. The rest of our loft is very modern and contemporary with eclectic touches throughout. However, our master bedroom is modern but with a rustic ‘Restoration Hardware’ feel. Below is some inspiration for the bathroom. What’s your favorite? Go on, do tell.
Images: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

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  1. Monica wrote:

    The last one with the rain shower is amazing! and

    Posted 4.21.14 Reply