not your average ice cubes

I’ve been loving filled ice cubes lately. I think they are such an unexpected treat in a drink. Fill them with parts of flowers or fruit and you have instantly made your beverage that much better. Whether it’s a cocktail or seltzer water (or anything in between) an ice cube filled with something, such as a rose petal, makes what you’re drinking prettier and, in some cases, tastier. It’s such a great idea when entertaining because the cubes can become part of the party decor. Below are a few of my favorite filled ice cube ideas that I plan on trying at the next party I throw.

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  1. Fredda Friedlander wrote:

    Great in Houston’s heat! Also, those crunching hours before dinner when I am starving!

    Posted 6.19.12 Reply
  2. Priscilla wrote:

    Great! I love your blog! I am now following you sweetie! Please visit my blog and follow me back? ♥ Thank you!

    Posted 6.21.12 Reply
  3. Connie Gilmore wrote:

    Love the flower ice cubes! Makes your drink so pretty looking! Fun, fun, fun!

    Posted 6.21.12 Reply