A Perfect Saturday Morning


You know those days that just start out really great? I love those days. Don’t we all? And I had one of those days this past Saturday. I woke up feeling a bit tired, but still excited for my morning, and once I got out of bed and arrived at Langford Market for Yoga with Sahar Paz, I was in such a good mood (and it was pretty early for a Saturday, guys!). #happydance


I’m not sure if it was the smell of the incense that were lit, the natural light coming through all of the store’s windows, the positive energy you feel the second you meet Sahar, the fact that I was surrounded by some awesome people, or what the reason was (let’s go with a combination of them all!), but I just felt…well, GREAT.


I introduced you all to Sahar Paz in this post, and I was so glad I got to meet her in person. What a breath of fresh air! If you hear her story or read her book, you know she’s an inspiring woman, but when you meet her in person, you truly feel her positive energy all around you. It’s pretty special.


We all got on our mats, and Sahar had us close our eyes and listen to her read a part of her book to us. Then she began the yoga practice, which was SO good. Really really good. At the end of the practice, she had us close our eyes again and listen to another part of her book (the story behind how she first got into yoga…no spoilers here, but you can go buy her book if you want!). After yoga, we had juice from Juice Girl (mimosas, too!), shopped (I got an adorable little top!), and chatted. Afterwards, Megan and I carbo loaded at Down House, chatted about blogging, business, boys men, and shopped around in The Heights for a bit (truly a great part of the city…and I seriously LOVE Emerson Rose…also popped into a cute little vintage shop). Such a fun, happy, positive Saturday morning.


Me, Megan, Sahar, Candace (you might have seen this photo if you’re following me on Instagram, but if not, you should totally be following me!!)

Namaste, friends.


Photos by Megan and Mad Meg Creative Services (Megan’s bad ass company)

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